I want to warmly welcome you on the school website. Even after 50 years of pedagogical activity in the economic-administrative area, the School of Business and Management is proud of its innovative and dynamic spirit still, and especially since 2015, there have been numerous changes noticeable. Thanks to these latter, the school has curved out its strong identity. We are very pleased about the recognition gained on the national as well as international level for our endeavors in regards to our entrepreneurial education. It should be noted that our commitment, as a school, towards entrepreneurial education has become one of the main pillars of our institution. Building on that commitment, we are able to offer various projects and opportunities to our students. This would, however, be much more difficult without the support of our dedicated partners originating from abundant sectors of industry, business and commerce. A testimony of this wonderful collaboration are our two Entrepreneurial Weeks, which are organised in collaboration with our partners and present a true highlight each semester for the students.